Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Volunteers REALLY needed

As we're still a decentralized unofficial organization, we are in real need of some volunteers to pick up and store equipment. Contact me at

With the recent addition of a full time job for me, my time for Free Geek is greatly limited, but not compromised. This organization is still a very important part of what I want to accomplish.

As our Edubuntu classroom project moves forward, we're finding the difficulties of trying to PXE boot with older network cards. We've learned a lot in the last few weeks.


Pat said...

I find PXE LAN cards on ebay, typically looking for bundles such as 20 for $15 including shipping.

Then, too, if you are part of a non-profit computer donation foundation perhaps you would like to meet with other such groups, and exchange excess materials.

For instance, Gifts from God (in Oviedo, on Hwy 434, near the Fire Station, two blocks South of Hwy. 426) gives young kids computers of very slow speed, as that is what they seem to have most of, installed with Win98SE. Probably have lots of network cards on hand, as they usually include only modems in the free systems...

Everyone knows that Edubuntu comes with an installed base of 1100+ educational math and spelling "games" for K-12, runs the same hardware, at 5 to 50 times faster, and has no license fees!

I'll be attending the computer fest Wednesday and Monday, and hopefully get them to examine and observe Edubuntu,

Watching folks try to shove Win98SE into a Pentium 233 mhz system is agonizing,

Knowing that some poor kiddie will be saddled with a slow, expensive to maintain. legacy system that STILL is vulnerable to the million Microsoft virus/malware/adbots/spybots and exploits, that requires defragmentation of all hard drives, is a horrid torture to competent technicians.

Jacquie said...

I am interesting in volunteering, however you contact page has no phone numbers. I'm in the Miami area, but roll up there frequently.

Pat said...

Gift from God Computer Foundation will hold Afternoon sessions starting on Tuesday, July 1, 2008 from 1 PM to 5 PM.

We refurbish donated computers, putting Linux on them, for children of school age to have FREE!

Come and join us at the new daytime sessions, or in the Monday and Wednesday Evening sessions from 6 PM to 10 PM, at 160 North Alafaya Trail, Oviedo, Florida 32765.

Located two doors South of the Oviedo Fire Department, or, about two blocks South of Broadway (aka Hwy 426) on the East side of the street, being a wooden building dating from the Celery Produce era in Central Florida.

Thank you, for helping us exceed our goal of 1400 gifts to school age children!

Sponsored by Palm Tree Computers, and the generous donations from Rosen Resorts, private individuals, and others!

All broken/defective parts are recycled GREEN to save energy and our environment.

Akai.Shuu said...
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